Yoga came into my life in 2010. A year later I met my Guru Mai Ram and started practicing Mai Ram Yoga – a classical yoga integrated by Guru Mai Ram for a present-day human to foster self-knowledge.
With years of practice, I began to observe that yoga gave much more than exercises for the body, it also improved my sleeping, physical and emotional wellbeing, opened the perspective of conciseness.
In 2014 I decided to deepen understanding and knowledge of Yoga and became Mai Ram Yoga Basic teacher. In 2017 Guruji initiated me into Yoga Adhikari (advanced yoga teacher). Every year I attend yoga retreats in Lithuania and India.
I am still amazed by the beauty and the depth of Yoga philosophy and practice, which smoothly connects body, mind, and soul and broadens understanding of this Life.
I can give classes in English, Russian and Lithuanian.
Now I live in Valencia, Spain and in autumn of 2019, we will invite to Mai Ram Yoga Retreats in Spain near Valencia.
I am grateful to my Guruji for the practice of yoga, which I would be honored to share with you and deliver the knowledge given by Guruji.
Studios in Pucol (urb.Los Monasterios) & Naquera VALENCIA, Spain